Bilingual Intercultural Education and Indigenous Education


Bilingual Intercultural Education and Indigenous Education

This group aims to explore the advantages and obstacles of bilingualism and multiculturalism in the Americas. More specifically, we would like to read your comments and ideas on how bilingualism such as, in the case of indigenous languages, affects social inclusion, the preservation of indigenous cultures, and the assurance of the sustainability of endangered languages. This group also aims to identify and analyze existing policies on bilingual education in the region.

We invite all teachers involved in bilingual education and especially those working with indigenous communities.

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Members: 25
Latest Activity: Dec 27, 2020

Aboriginal Issues in Canada

Do you think languages "conflict" impinges directly in the inequality between the native population and non native population?

Discussion Forum


Started by mi colegio en la nube Aug 21, 2015. 0 Replies

conocer diversas lenguas es muy importante para el intercambio de conocimientos, experiencias y culturas.Por eso es importante promover este tipo de estrategias para acercar a los pueblos hermanos.…Continue

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Comment by Lorena Belmar Currin on September 5, 2017 at 4:18pm

Education is the best way to learn about your own and other cultures, expand your worldview and make lasting networks and improve your skills with practice

Comment by Gale Mohammed-Oxley on November 1, 2016 at 10:23pm

In the Antillean Caribbean I do not view language as conflict between native and non native people as we have four different languages among the islands. The issue in these islands are ideologies of the North and countries that consider themselves superior because of their size. We can view all countries through this scope and see it is the people because when people share the same values their languages do not hinder progress. 

Comment by Glenda Morales de Duchicela on November 1, 2016 at 9:29pm

Inequalities reflect lack of knowledge about our own identity and people. The lack of language contact brings miscommunication, conflic and confusion.  We need to educate our people, children in schools, make them feel proud of our differences and similarities. In my country we have a high percentage of  native population with richness in customs, culture, languages and land. The actual government has issued policies to respect their lands, to help them improve their academic level and have their intercultural schools for the importance to acquire Spanish as a second language and Kichwa as first.


Comment by ITEN on October 1, 2015 at 9:24am

Estimados Docentes,

Cordial saludo.

Les agradecemos mucho sus aportes sobre el tema. Queremos recordarles que esta plataforma está diseñada para las discusiones de los docentes Angloparlantes, todas la discusiones deben darse en Inglés. Si ustedes desean seguir debatiendo sobre el tema en idioma español los invitamos a:


Equipo RIED

Comment by Maritza Guadalupe Zelaya Turcios on August 25, 2015 at 12:17pm

Me parece excelente que tratemos estos temas pues así enriquecemos nuestras experiencias y ayudamos a disminuir cada día la discriminación y la exclusión de pueblos hermanos. En Honduras con el Proyecto EducAcción se está  desarrollando el Diplomado en Educación Intercultural Bilingüe para Directores Municipales de Educación, con el objetivo de sensibilizar hacia la problamática y desarrollar capacidades para impulsar la educación intercultural.

Comment by Martha Rosario Barrera Curiel on August 21, 2015 at 7:03pm

el idioma refleja la cultura de los que lo hablan, por eso la importancia de conocer otra lengua, nos acerca a otra forma de pensar y ver el mundo


Members (25)


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