After listening to Audio # 6, it is now clear to me that a difference exist between Assessment and evaluation. Assessment is an interactive process between students and teachers, it tells teachers how students are learning. While evaluation focuses mainly on the grades, this ultimately forms a judgement on students performance. A portfolio can be a useful assessment tool, where all that was done throughout the course incorporated in it; after which the evaluation is done where a grade is given this is done by judging the learners knowledge at the end. Using a portfolio is a good assessment tool, however a rubric is an important aspect that will help with judging students performance.

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I agree. However, it seems like they both overlap. Just that one is ongoing- more of a process- assessment while one is focused on the product-evaluation. In addition, the rubric may be used to grade both.

i'm of the belief that though they may be similar they are completely different. Assessment and evaluation are liken to weather and climate. While weather the present conditions on a daily basis, climate is the study of weather over a purlonged period. That's the same understanding I'm getting from Assessment and evaluation

Its conflicting for me to clearly differentiate between assessment and evaluation. I do agree with Monique that they overlap at some point. The both are a measure of students performance no matter how we want to set them apart.

They are two very tools but are different, assessments are given to test students knowledge on a particular concept whether through formal or informal. On the other hand evaluating is a form of judgement to decide the next step to take when planning for the next lesson.

Audio 6 has helped me to clearly differentiate between assessment and Evaluation which are two terms that many teachers have confused.

I think very often teachers confuse assessment and evaluation and some form assessments can be used to also evaluate students performance. The use of the rubric has many benefits to both teacher and student as it provides guidelines to both parties on the expectations of the assessment.   

Very good summary Ms. Thomas. The audio really clarified a lot of grey areas we had on the difference between assessment and evaluation. The programme was very well-thought out and put together. The good thing is that we have these audio sessions to listen to over and over again.

Well said Sirica...

I must agree with Fayan.  Assessments are given to test students’ knowledge on a particular concept; formal or informal. On the other hand evaluating is a form of judgement to decide the way forward. Assessment is really to increase quality while evaluation is about judging quality.


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