There are twenty-seven persons in a room. Everyone was asked to introduce himself with each other and shake hands with everyone in the room only once. One person wants to know how many handshakes were being exchanged. Brainstorm some ways that could be used to find the answer to this question.
Let students discuss methods that they use to find the answer.
Do you think this activity involves critical thinking?
Yes, I believe that this activity involves critical thinking as it requires coming up with ways to get to the correct answer. The children will have to analyze the question and come up with ways of finding the answer, this question allows for deep thinking and problem solving.
Thanks Nicole for your response. If they can come up with different, creative ways of arriving at their solution while justifying the approach used really allows for critical thinking on the students' part.
I think it requires some level of critical thinking. Because they would have to know do some form of calculation and justification based on their answers and give substantial reasoning/evidence.
Thanks Monique. What we want to do is to engage our students in critical thinking activities that will not frustrate them, activities that are manageable by everyone. Activities that they can clearly explain the strategy(ies) used.
Good Morning
Thanks for submitting this comment-question.
The activity involves critical thinking and you must guide the process so students pay attention to the strategies they follow and apply in solving the problem. Beyond getting the right result, what truly matters are the arguments they have to back up their choices, then you will need to provide an open and safe space to discuss even the wrong ideas, at this point a respectful environment is essential.
Thanks again and keep on with this great job
By allowing the students to discuss possible solutions with teacher-facilitation is a great idea.By having the students apply mathematical principles like ratio or multiplication could be applicable methods. This activity does involve critical thinking. We can see the higher order thinking being applicable here.
I believe it does because even while reading the question the brain is already being primed to ascertain the answer. Truth is this is a lovely way to get students to think critically because they will need to assimilate, analyze, evaluate, synthesis and then ultimately calculate the correct response
Yes this activity does promote critical thinking because it allows students to analyze and reason the situation to come fourth with some form of answer. This activity also give room for discussion of more deeper thinking as students will then be asked to justify their responses. This is a great way to promote critical thinking in the classroom.
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