Critical thinking is important for students because it grants them the opportunity to engage in independent thinking, which helps them to analyze, assess and evaluate given situations so that they can understand the connection between ideas before making a decision.

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I totally agree.
Yes that is true, students will learn to become independent thinkers and good decision makers.

Critical thinking also allows students to effectively defend the stand they take on a certain matter with solid reasons given

Don't we all enjoy what we are learning about critical thinking? We will see the positive change in our students if we make critical thinking a part of our lesson.

True word indeed.

Inorder for our students to be successful in the 21st century classroom, critical thinking skills have to be a vital part of the curriculum. We as educators are no longer expected to ensure our students arrive at the correct answer for questions but also to ensure they understand the process in arriving at the answer. The "How" is very important in doing solving problems activities as such it is very important that our children are exposed to critical thinking skills from the early childhood level. I've recently participated in a workshop about the Primary Exit Profile (PEP), and the questions will be structured in such a way that the children must be able to apply critical thinking skills. The children will no longer just select an answer, but must be able to justify the answer selected.

Nadine Ann Marie Knowles Stewart said:

Critical thinking aid students in analyzing challenges and broadening their problem solving skills in productive ways. This will enhance our learners for future generations, thus creating a society of individuals who use resources provided in rationally. It is my person conviction that critical thinking is ideal at the early childhood level of development to make the transition to the primary, secondary and university levels of education a smooth one for these young minds. Teachers also need to be aware of ways to enhance critical thinking skills of their learners based on their levels of readiness; learning needs to be proactive and not reactive.

very important point Syanae, most of our students are not critical thinkers and as such this programme is essential to us as teachers so that we can become equip with the necessary critical thinking skill in order to teach our students to become critical thinkers for some of the benefits you stated above.

If ever we needed critical thinkers it is now and i'm glad that OAS and ITEN have sought to facilitate us through the Mico. The programme is essentially for everyone because of the perceived benefits to students but also for the impact it has on our cognition as educators and the community. Since starting the programme and being exposed to the content, I'm now more aware of how I ask questions even in my everyday non educational conversations.


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