In this space we invite participants to publish job opportunities, and professional development for teachers.


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Job opportunity

Bilingual Special Education teacher in Costa Rica

By: Maestra Molly

For those of you who have the urge to go international, this is the job for you.  The past spring break I went to Costa Rica and toured the Cloud Forest school there (known as CEC for short).  I LOVED the school.  It is a unique and amazing place with a very progressive take on education and it is bilingual.  The school is currently looking to fill a position for a bilingual special education teacher.
The position is for a bilingual Special Education teacher for grades pre-k through 11th grade.  The ideal candidate is:
1. Certified in Special Educaiton with a masters.
2. Bilingual.
3. Wants to live in an amazing area of Costa Rica that is in the Monteverde mountains.
4. Believes in progressive, enviromentally focused educaiton.
If you are interested, feel free to email me with questions and reach out to the director of the school, Laura Grenholm,  with quesitons, they are trying to fill this position ASAP.  Also,please check out the organization's website at  Please pass along the information about this job to anyone you know who may be interested and qualified.


I want to received Teacher training from ITEN. help me

Thank you

Md. Shafiqul Alam


Vacancy: Lecturer in Education at School of Education at Queen’s University Belfast

The School of Education at Queen’s University Belfast is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Education with a focus on children’s rights and education; human rights education; citizenship education; and/or childhood studies as applied to education. The successful candidate will be expected to join and make a full contribution to the School’s new Centre for Children’s Rights.

Details of the job can be found at:

available and open for e-learning course:
“Economics of Education for Policymakers
(Part 2)”
January 21–March 1, 2013
(Apply by January 14, 2013 here)

This course follows up on Part I of this series and helps education professionals make better use of economic tools when making complex decisions to improve the quality, efficiency, equity and sustainability of education systems.

This six-week course is composed of:

  • one module that reviews content from Part 1;
  • four learning modules that cover more advanced economic concepts, such as economic evaluation, demand, supply and production; and
  • a final exercise that allows participants to apply all the concepts learned in the course.

The course uses a multimedia approach to present key concepts and provide opportunities to apply and discuss them. In addition to select reading materials, the modules use a combination of videos, interactive simulations, research exercises and/or case studies to broaden participants’ understanding of the topics.

This course requires active participation to stimulate critical thinking and reflection as participants apply the skills and concepts to both the course exercises and their daily work in the education sector. Participants are expected to contribute to the online discussion and complete all the quizzes for each module.

Finally, participants are expected to submit the final exercise via email to the course facilitators by the end of the course. Altogether, the course should take approximately 30 hours over six weeks, or approximately 5 hours per week. All participants who complete these requirements will receive an electronic certificate of completion from the World Bank Institute.

Target audience: People involved in education reform and who have the opportunity to influence or contribute to important policy decisions throughout the reform process

Course fee: US$400

For more information, please contact: Michelle Kalinski (



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We are a social entrepreneurship company that partners with the top universities in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. We envision a future where the top universities are educating not only thousands of students, but millions. Our technology enables the best professors to teach tens or hundreds of thousands of students.

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Classes offered on Coursera are designed to help you master the material. When you take one of our classes, you will watch lectures taught by world-class professors, learn at your own pace, test your knowledge, and reinforce concepts through interactive exercises. When you join one of our classes, you'll also join a global community of thousands of students learning alongside you. We know that your life is busy, and that you have many commitments on your time. Thus, our courses are designed based on sound pedagogical foundations, to help you master new concepts quickly and effectively. Key ideas include mastery learning, to make sure that you have multiple attempts to demonstrate your new knowledge; using interactivity, to ensure student engagement and to assist long-term retention; and providing frequent feedback, so that you can monitor your own progress, and know when you've really mastered the material.

We offer courses in a wide range of topics, spanning the Humanities, Medicine, Biology, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Business, Computer Science, and many others. Whether you're looking to improve your resume, advance your career, or just learn more and expand your knowledge, we hope there will be multiple courses that you find interesting.

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Vacancy Announcement. DIPECHO Project Coordinators

DIPECHO Project Regional Coordinator 
DIPECHO Project National Coordinators for Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

The Department of Human Resources at the Organization of American States announced two consultancy opportunities in the General Secretariat.

Title: Specialist on Political Analysis for Latin America
Organizational Unit: Department of Sustainable Democracy & Special Missions
Duty Station: Washington D.C. Detailed information here        

Title: Specialist on Political Analysis for the Caribbean
Organizational Unit: Department of Sustainable Democracy & Special Missions
Duty Station: Washington D.C. Detailed information here 


The Inter-American Teacher Education Network (ITEN) of the Organization of American States (OAS) calls for proposals from individuals and institutions of OAS member states to design and produce audio programs. ITEN is seeking proposals to develop and produce a short series of audio programs to aid in the professional development of rural teachers in OAS member states.

Application deadline: October 21st, 2014
Access our call and application requirements here

The Research Department (RES) of the Inter-American Development Bank seeks applications from recent university graduates for its highly selective Research Fellowship Program at IDB headquarters in Washington, D.C.

RAs work side by side with RES economists on their research, providing valuable support while gaining incomparable experience. Individuals chosen for the program should be well qualified to perform a wide range of research activities for RES staff, including preparing papers, reports, and presentations, compiling and using databases, and performing econometric and statistical analyses.

RAs at RES typically have prospects of engaging in doctoral-level studies. In the recent past, former RAs have continued their studies in the economics departments of top universities including, but not limited to, MIT, the University of Chicago, UC-Berkeley, the University of Michigan, Brown University, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Maryland, UCLA, Penn State University, Boston University, and Duke University.

Those interested in the Research Fellowship Program should apply by March 7, 2016. Candidates must be available to start work between May 16, 2016 and September 1, 2016. A complete job description and detailed application procedures are available here.

Undergraduate degree in economics. Master’s degree in economics, public policy, or related field preferred.   

Experience in applied research at a recognized university or research center. Strong background in econometrics, mathematics, and statistics. Experience with econometric packages such as Stata, MATLAB, or R advanced programming level, preferred. Demonstrated experience in at least one of the following areas: microeconomic, macroeconomic, and political economy.  
Languages:   Fluency required in at least two of the Bank’s official languages: English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
Apply online
Deadline: March 7, 2016

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