Hello participants,

Thanks to Irvin for the idea of starting a discussion on each episode. I see that many of you have already posted for episode 1 on the general comment wall, which is great, too. No need to re-post.

A question regarding the opening scene . . . we know that critical thinking is important for future schooling and work, but this scene illustrates how Henry and Charles make a very practical decision in their current reality. What are some other ways our children and youth can already benefit from using critical thinking in their everyday lives? When you discuss and/or encourage critical thinking in class, do your students understand why it is important? Do they resist? If so, how do you address it? 

I look forward to reading your thoughts.


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Replies to This Discussion

Regarding Episode 1. Students benefit with classes where teachers help  them reflect in their work, make them think before taking a decision; give  an extra time to analyze the information and share the ideas with others. It is a practice that later will lead them to success in life.   For the group of EFL college students I work with, critical thinking does not comoe easy because they have not been practicing with Bloom`taxonomy levels of thinking and mostly they are used to first and second level. They do not resist learning, they need guide as they are extraordinary learners.

The possibilities are endless. Critical thinking is needed is every aspect of our lives. 

Students do appreciate when you take the time to discuss "non-academic" situations, they actually enjoy it. Teachable moments are priceless when one can capitalize on them.

I do try to help the students see the importance of the concepts that they learn and relate it to their lives. The link is not always clear or obvious to them. I know because I made a few connections myself after the fact!

I usually try to address student resistance by sharing my experiences. I was a very troubled youth back in the day and can write a book :). 

Episode One was an awesome introduction to critical thinking. What I got is that critical thinking is 'critical' for surviving life. It will help our students to make logical and informed decisions, like illustrated in the dialogue between the two boys. The benefits are endless, as it is hinged to life skills. I often tell my students, if you don't know 'why' you are doing something, don't do it. Just making a decision is not enough, but the reason behind the decision is what really matters. Thus, critical thinking. 
My students, often see critical thinking as hard work, and some even refuse higher level question because they are afraid to think. This is why opportunities should be continuously given. It is also important for the teacher to 'show' how the thinking process is done; actually use  the 'think aloud' strategy to show how a particular answer is derived. Next, we would do some together and then in groups, till students are comfortable to try it on their own.

You are so correct. Time is a luxury when teaching critical thinking skills, even though deadlines hinder this process. Sigh...
Glenda Morales de Duchicela said:

Regarding Episode 1. Students benefit with classes where teachers help  them reflect in their work, make them think before taking a decision; give  an extra time to analyze the information and share the ideas with others. It is a practice that later will lead them to success in life.   For the group of EFL college students I work with, critical thinking does not comoe easy because they have not been practicing with Bloom`taxonomy levels of thinking and mostly they are used to first and second level. They do not resist learning, they need guide as they are extraordinary learners.


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