“Critical Thinking for Teachers” is a series of interactive radio programs and podcasts for teachers in rural areas of OAS member states. These audio programs strengthen teachers’ ability to teach critical thinking skills in mathematics, literacy, science, and citizenship education. Woven into an entertaining drama series, the participatory lessons feature short pauses that allow teachers to respond to questions, partake in group discussions, write plans for their classes, and more. Participants learn practical skills to apply in the classroom immediately. The primary audience is teachers with little Internet access who teach 11- to 14-year-olds, but any teacher can benefit and anyone can participate.
Members: 61
Latest Activity: Jan 29, 2018
Started by Kathleen Edward. Last reply by Pamela Thomas-Murray Nov 15, 2017. 5 Replies 0 Likes
Has anyone fulfilled the training of a minimum of five teachers? I am hoping to get mine done at the end of the month. Was looking for feedback. Continue
Started by Daniel Pier. Last reply by Tracey GSE Little Mar 5, 2017. 14 Replies 2 Likes
Dear Colleagues,You did it! Thank you for sticking with the program to complete all seven episodes.How useful did you find the planning process described in the program? Does it vary from the method…Continue
Started by Daniel Pier. Last reply by Lerdon Barr Jan 27, 2017. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Dear colleagues, Hello. I know from your training plans and posts in this community that many of you have started training your colleagues with the program and some have already finished. How is it…Continue
Started by Kathleen Edward. Last reply by Kathleen Edward Jan 27, 2017. 2 Replies 0 Likes
I am due to conduct my training of the teachers at my school during professional development day one. The would like to know if they will be receiving a certificate also.Continue
comprehensive lesson plan.
Training Report.
Hi Daniel, on the 8th of June 2017 I sent in my Report, but to-date I have not received an acknowledgement of it. I am not sure whom I should have sent it to, but I sent it to Ms. De Leon, Ms. Hoogdorp, Mr. , David Vieira and Ms. Carmen Loredo. So far, I sent in all documents: Training Report, Observation Form, Lesson Plan as well as my Training Plan, but I have not received a confirmation or approval to my documents so I am not sure of my eligibility since I received no feedback. I have trained the teachers and they are aware of them receiving a certificate. Hence, I am asking please that my documents be examined so that the teachers may received their certificates, as well as for me to know the status of my eligibility for what was promised for the training of five or more teachers. Thank you in advance as I await your response.
Dear Colleagues,
Yes, there is a criteria for the stipend. If you received notification that your application to the programme was accepted, you fulfilled the requirements (submitted the training plan, observation form, and lesson plan), and your submissions were approved, you are eligible for the stipend, in which case you should already have received notice of this. It seems that, due to year-end procedures in our administration department, some of the payments have not arrived yet. We are working with the administration department to resolve the problem; the finance system opened again only this week. If you have received notice that you are eligible for the stipend and have not yet received the stipend itself, please reply to the email indicating your eligibility. If you did not receive such notice nor the stipend but believe yourself to be eligible, please email Ms. de Leon or Ms. Hoogdorp, from whom you should have received your email of acceptance into the program.
Warm regards,
Is it fair to get all this work done, not just improving oneself but training others and not get the stipend that was promised? is there a criteria to determine who should recieve the stipend and why? Just a concern.
I enjoyed the program. It was a nice practical follow - up to the Udemy course - Pedagogy of Critical Thinking.
It is even better that there is a component which requires us to share with our colleagues.
My efforts to share in the past by using a wiki page was okay but required others to take the first step of logging on and using the internet. Unlike this session which requires face to face contact - a welcomed feature for the many technophobes among us.
Great opportunity to effect positive change.
Thank You ITEN - OAS and MOE(St. Lucia) :)
Hello all,
For participants in the OAS-ITEN Training Program for Critical Thinking, I hope many of you have begun training your colleagues. Below please see the email you should have received with the template for your training report attached. I hope we can all support each other and have as many of you earn your certificates as possible.
Please come here to ask me or each other questions if you have them.
Thank you,
Dear Critical Thinking for Teachers Participant,
Greetings from the Inter-American Teacher Education Network (ITEN) of the Organization of American States; we hope your new year is off to a very good start. As you are aware, in order to earn your Certificate of Completion of the OAS-ITEN Training Program for Critical Thinking, you must complete the training plan you submitted earlier, and submit to ITEN a final training report.
Attached please find a template for your final training report. You are welcome to add sections to the report that you, your school or Ministry/Secretariat of Education, or ITEN might find useful.
The objective of this report is not only to verify your completion of the training, but also to give you the chance to reflect on the outcome of the training and to provide feedback to ITEN regarding the activity. The report should be between 350 and 1,000 words and include as annexes or attachments the required verification documents, including attendance records and a photo from the training sessions.
Please submit this final training report by June 30th, 2017. However, we encourage teachers to submit this report as soon as they complete the training.
Please note that participants who did not receive the OAS-ITEN stipend for the Critical Thinking for Teachers program are still eligible for the OAS-ITEN Certificate of Completion of the Critical Thinking for Teachers Program. Simply complete the program and submit the aforementioned documents (training plan and final training report).
We look forward to receiving your documents!
Warm regards,
The ITEN team
I especially like the Socratic Seminar for the older children since it encourages a lot of student participation. For the younger age group then the Circle Time is a great activity that engages the children to use their critical thinking skills.
Episode Four: The Socratic Seminar method is new to me although it incorporates peer learning and collaboration which I use with my students. I like the use of one student as the leader which encourages independence and leadership qualities.
Episode Three: The use of Bloom's Taxonomy to enhance critical thinking has been very useful to me when writing and creating lesson plans for my students as well as for the completion of some assignments in my teaching degree.
Please review my lesson.
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