Through the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Short Term Program, U.S. K-12 teachers and educators can apply for grants to engage in 2-8 week collaborative projects abroad. Participants consult with and support projects with schools, non-profit organizations, teacher training institutions, and other educational organizations in Botswana, India, Mexico, or Vietnam. This short-term program is offered in addition to the longer program, which is for a period of three to six months.
The grant award provides funding for program expenses while abroad, including travel costs, lodging, meals, local transportation, and related expenses. These grants give U.S. educators greater flexibility to participate in the Fulbright Program while meeting their teaching and professional commitments.
Grants for 2016 are available in Botswana, India, Mexico, and Vietnam for 2 – 8 week periods between June and November 2016.
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