Virtual space designed for the exchange of information and knowledge on issues related to early childhood. Intervention in the period between 0 and 8 years of age is critical to achieve poverty reduction, to reduce inequality and exclusion and for improving academic performance and completion rates in school.
Location: Organization of American States
Members: 19
Latest Activity: Apr 30, 2018
This Virtual Space can be used for the exchange of information and for advocacy on the importance of early childhood issues as a social development tool.
Its main objective is to facilitate access to existing resources through an interactive communication network that promotes knowledge sharing and the exchange of best practices, case studies, current developments and the latest information
Started by Mary. Last reply by Delfina Iervolino Nov 13, 2012. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Hellow, I would like to contact some spanish talking teachers for making a project about CHRISTMAS.It is for kids 8 years old.We would comunicate trought e-mail.I hope to have many answers soon.MaryContinue
Dear Colleagues,
A group of community members is currently working through the ITEN Audio program "Critical Thinking for Teachers", which explores how to move students beyond memorizing information to the higher levels of thinking, such as analysis and synthesis, in Bloom's taxonomy. Pre-schoolers are naturally curious and ask a lot of "why" questions; how can we encourage them on the basis of this to explore and think?
Here is a description of the Morning Meeting, a method that is part of the Responsive Classroom approach. Perhaps you already do something similar, but this document has a well-articulated description of the principles and goals of the morning meeting.
Please share with us how you encourage children to express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Will you apply some of the ideas from this document? How?
Warm regards,
Hello all, I recently started to pay particular attention to ECCE. I think that children come to us with such energy and creativity at the ECCE level that one wonders what goes wrong when they enter the primary stage of schooling. There appears to be a disconnect between the how learner learns and how he/she is taught. I find too often children lose their enthusiasm for learning, as they become passive participant in the learning process.
In a recent op-ed in the Washington Post, United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan discussed a government proposal intended to make high-quality early education available to all four-year-old children, regardless of economic or social status. Duncan cites evidence that early childhood education has significant positive effects on high school graduation rates, employment, and rates of criminal behavior.
For additional perspectives on the issue, see PREAL post about President Obama’s State of the Union address, in which he discussed the proposal.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Rapporteurship on the Rights of the Child - 2009
Document published thanks to the financial support of Inter‐American Development Bank. Positions herein expressed are those of the Inter‐American Commission on Human Rights and do not reflect the views of the IDB.
Approved at its 135th regular period of sessions.
Read the complete report on our resources folder.
Hi Lisa!
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have edited the link, let us know if you continue to have issues to acces it.
I followed the link but was unable to access the document. Could you please suggest another means by which I may access Early Childhood Learning Guidelines in Latin America and the Caribbean?
Thank you.
IDB: Early Childhood Learning Guidelines in Latin America and the Caribbean
To access the publication, please click here.
The World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education: Response Opportunities and Challenges for the Caribbean Action Agenda
To access this document, click HERE
The World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (WCECCE) was organised by UNESCO and held in Moscow in September 2010. It was attended by ministers and viceministers
from 67 countries and participants from 101 UNESCO member states, along with representatives from UN agencies, development agencies, civil society, and subject experts. It
culminated in agreement on the Moscow Framework for Action and Cooperation: Harnessing the Wealth of Nations (hereafter, Moscow Framework) which calls on ALL governments to mobilize stronger commitment to Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE); to reinforce effective ECCE programme delivery; to harness resources for ECCE; and to encourage mutual cooperation and exchange.
This Policy Brief examines the opportunities and challenges of implementing the Moscow Framework within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), given the existing regional context
in ECCE. It presents an Action Agenda for the region which capitalises on the opportunities and proposes approaches for overcoming the challenges; identifies linkages with existing national and regional/sub-regional policy and planning frameworks for ECCE; and makes recommendations for government policy makers to support same.
well done
Dear teachers and educators, we want to invite you to share your experiences by answering to the following question: how are you planning to decorate your classrooms and schools for the coming holidays? We invite you to send us pictures, videos and comments sharing your ideas.
The most creative initiative will receive a diploma from the OAS for its meritorious participation, and we will publish a folder with the pictures on our Facebook page,
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