What steps do you take, or could you take, to ensure that all students have the time and opportunity to think through the questions you ask?

After asking a question based on the topic and during the lesson, I normal allow the students to write their answers, so they would get a few minutes to do that, then I would call on different students like, the shy ones, quiet one, and the enthusiastic ones to share their responses. This includes both boys and girls. 

If they work in groups, I sometimes let them discuss the questions or scenarios in their groups then they would select a member from the group to share in the class discussion.

Its important that students get a chance to share their views, and often times the shy and quite students stay in the shadows of those students who are always participating. When I find this happening, I normally explain to the class and to those students as not to discourage them from participating, the importance of hearing what others have to say.

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Good job, as you progress you will learn about different pedagogical approach that will answer your question about group discussions and allowing everyone to have a say. When you reach that point in the program post what you have learnt and how it is different from what you use to do.

I will definitely ensure that I report back here and share the transformation I have been through.

Firstly I try to the best of my ability to relate whichever topic I am teaching to the student's Interests. In relation to asking questions, sometimes I Choose to ask the students who refuse to participate in discussions to share their responses first, I would then filter in others students to give supporting statements to clarify an answer. In the case of giving examples and solving a problem, I would ask other students to participate, giving each individual a chance.


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