As Albert Einstein once said “Once you stop learning, you start dying" I so agree with that, do you? Throughout this programme I have learned so much that not only prepares me to be a better teacher, but an effective one. Given the opportunity to have completed this very interesting and educating programme I am now equipped with the necessary skills in writing effective lesson plans and learning objectives that promotes critical thinking. Throughout my tenure at University and now in the classroom, I struggled to write a  good lesson plan and learning objectives. Hence, being engaged in this programme has increased my knowledge on both in a meaningful way and for that I am super happy. Furthermore, the use of Bloom's Taxonomy to promote critical thinking was my next key take away point, I was challenged to write questions that promote thinking at a higher level. By doing so helped me to improve on my questioning technique skill. I found this to be a very good programme so I want to thank OAS and ITEN for putting it together  because it have impacted my life and career in a positive way.   I would love that all classroom teachers be given the opportunity to be a part of it, this will enable us to have an appreciation of the benefit of engaging students meaningfully. Also, while we help our students become critical thinkers, they too will have an appreciation for teaching and learning. I am sure I am not the only one who can attest to the numerous benefits gained from this programme. Was this programme of any benefit to you and your students? How.

 I have learned so much, but my learning does not stop so I will continue to put what I learnt in practice and do research so as to continue to master the art and science of promoting critical thinking in the classroom. 

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Very informative.
For me i agree because even though in college i learned about blooms taxonomy i didnt fully grasp the concept. Having completed the audios and doing the exercises I'm even more confident now to implement my lesson plans and explain the concept of blooms taxonomy

I agree

Antonio Baker said:

For me i agree because even though in college i learned about blooms taxonomy i didnt fully grasp the concept. Having completed the audios and doing the exercises I'm even more confident now to implement my lesson plans and explain the concept of blooms taxonomy

There was a long period where I was working and in that job there was zero growth and I could barely balance going to school too, I did not want to fail any courses so I paused school. This pause turned out to a long one and in that time I literally felt like I was "dying" because I was not actively learning. Anyway, borrowing from Einstein “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” 

I am always fascinated and eager to gain new knowledge, hence when I heard about this programme, I did not hesitate to be apart of this amazing course. We have learned a lot, haven't we Fayan? It is now our duty to use the information gained, in aim of producing successful lifelong learners, but most importantly, independent critical thinkers.  

Completing this audio has really motivated to create more effective lessons. With continual practice  I know I will be an example to others.


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