The verdict is ...

These are my comments on how I found this program.

As soon as I saw this program, I knew it would be a good decision. Having met Joseph Weathers and Jonathan Bailey early November, was confirmation of the rewards that would come. Being a student-teacher, I must admit I was hesitant to move forward among all the veteran educators, with thoughts that maybe this was advertised wrong, or I would struggle with the tasks ahead with barely any classroom experience, okay, I really mean none. Fast-forward ahead, I stuck with it and threw myself into this with a better attitude, an open mind- no mental blocks and the benefit is two-fold!

Thank you to the Inter-American Teacher Education Network for this urgent want, this "not-too-late-requirement".

With highest recommendation, this program is tailored to influence generations of more engaged and informed citizens.

The accents in the audios were a bit of a challenge initially, once you adjusted to the change however, you were able to do just fine. I loved that the audios could be downloaded so one could listen at his/her own convenience.

I am very grateful to be exposed to these strategies and conversations so early.
I will kindle the fire to help students, as young as they are, to take better responsibility for their learning, to think for themselves versus just filling their minds with facts.

Views: 107

Replies to This Discussion

Marissa, I find your verdict very informative. For me I enjoyed working with Mr Joseph Weathers he truly made an effort in giving me helpful feedback each time I contacted him which was usually often. Mr Weathers made me want to complete the course and pushed me to want to learn the content. The three (3) contact sessions held I went and each class something different was taught. This helped me to understand things which I had a challenged with while listening the audios. Thanks to The Mico University and ITEN for introducing us all to this course.

For me the audios were clear and easy to follow, the engagement was constant since I had my notebook and writing instrument doing activity constantly as if I was really in a classroom setting.

I feel confident as an educator for over 14 years that this course will only make my teaching experience better.

I would encourage others to invest in courses of this nature and not think because it's optional that they can't make it a mandatory.

I encourage all those who have started the course and presently stucked at audio #1 to start listening to the others.

Very interesting verdict Marissa lol. and seconded Ms Thomas they should push through, ladies and gentle men you will learn a lot. As for the audios if you listen attentively you will hear and understand what they are staying. Thanks again to The Mico University, ITEN and Mr. Bailey for this course. 

Hi S.R. Thomas, 

That is an amazing experience and I love it how you put it -making this investment one that is a must not an option. Similarly, Johnathan Bailey supported us through. I really hope the others that started out are seeing these comments and your encouragement to stick it out for the rewards are amazing. 

S.R Thomas said:

Marissa, I find your verdict very informative. For me I enjoyed working with Mr Joseph Weathers he truly made an effort in giving me helpful feedback each time I contacted him which was usually often. Mr Weathers made me want to complete the course and pushed me to want to learn the content. The three (3) contact sessions held I went and each class something different was taught. This helped me to understand things which I had a challenged with while listening the audios. Thanks to The Mico University and ITEN for introducing us all to this course.

For me the audios were clear and easy to follow, the engagement was constant since I had my notebook and writing instrument doing activity constantly as if I was really in a classroom setting.

I feel confident as an educator for over 14 years that this course will only make my teaching experience better.

I would encourage others to invest in courses of this nature and not think because it's optional that they can't make it a mandatory.

I encourage all those who have started the course and presently stucked at audio #1 to start listening to the others.

Hey there Nicole lol, yes after a while I adjusted and found out why I was having the challenges. I third that ladies. #AdvocatesforITENCriticalThinkingforTeachersProgram !!

Nicole Samms said:

Very interesting verdict Marissa lol. and seconded Ms Thomas they should push through, ladies and gentle men you will learn a lot. As for the audios if you listen attentively you will hear and understand what they are staying. Thanks again to The Mico University, ITEN and Mr. Bailey for this course. 

Well said Marissa.  I shared your sentiments.

Thanks Lorene. Quality audios, quality program. 


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