Whole School Conflict Management
WEBINAR 1: "Creating a Climate and Culture for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning"

Organized by: The ITEN team of the OAS in collaboration with the Global Issues Resource Center GIRC of the Cuyahoga Community College.
About the webinar 1: Social, Emotional and Academic Learning can be integrated into a classroom and school cultures and climate by conscious attention to the teaching of direct pro social skills and the creation of safe and caring learning spaces that support that learning. This webinar presents the theory and practice that is integral to this process. It introduces you to the work of CASEL, The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning as well as international approaches to this work with examples from the United States, Colombia, Spain and Mexico, and talks about a shift in paradigm for professional development of educators, at all levels that is needed to sustain these efforts.
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