Inter-American Contest: “Perspectives on Democracy”


Inter-American Contest: “Perspectives on Democracy”

Democracy is essential for the social, political, and economic development of the peoples of the Americas – Art. 1 Inter-American Democratic Charter

What is the meaning of democracy? What does it mean to live in a democratic society? How should democracy be taught? On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Democracy, September 15, the Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices of the Organization of American States launches the “The Inter- American Contest on Perspectives on Democracy”.

The contest is organized into two categories: One category is for short stories created by children and youth (primary and secondary school students between the ages of 10 and 17 years), and the other one is for lesson plans formulated by primary or secondary classroom teachers who are currently teaching in educational institutions in OAS member states.

The contest aims to learn about current views on democracy, from the perspectives of children and youth, and to discover successful strategies and methods for its teaching.

The Inter-American Program has created this contest for children, youth and educators in recognition of the fundamental role children and youth play in ensuring the continuance of democratic values, and the importance of the work of educators in teaching these values. This Inter-American Program was adopted in 2005 by Ministers of Education of the Americas; it reflects the affirmation of the OAS member states’ commitment to the Inter-American Democratic Charter adopted in 2001, which recognizes that democracy is and must be the form of government that the peoples of the Americas share.

Since its adoption, the Inter-American Program has contributed to the development and strengthening of a democratic culture through education in the Americas. The Program   contributes to strengthening the capacities of people and institutions to promote the teaching and living of democratic values and practices, through its activities in the fields of research, professional development, and cooperation and information exchange.

To learn more about the Program and its activities, please visit the website; you can also follow us on: and A brochure is also available by clicking here

For further information on the Constest click here.

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