What does it mean to you to be a Teacher in the 21st Century?

To celebrate World Teachers' Day 2015, next Monday October 5th, we invite you to share your ideas and experiences on the importance of teaching in the 21st Century. We want you to share pictures and videos of your pedagogical work. The best publications will be shared in our social media (Facebook and Twitter), ITEN newsletter and website. Don't miss this opportunity, participate NOW!

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It means being able to engage learners in meaningful ways using appropriate technology and learning strategies effectively. To do this teachers must be continually learning and extending and challenging their mental models.

Teaching the 21st century means, educating learners through the use of different technological tools and fostering collaboration and cooperation among students as they will be taking up their place in society to live and work with each other.  It further means, that we are to teach students to think critically, become problem solvers and students who are able to make informed and reasoned decisions.  Teaching in the 21st century also means that educators have to become aware of the changes globally in order to be able to keep abreast of the changing times and trends and encourage students to become knowledgeable about the things that is happening around them.  Furthermore, it means helping students to develop sense of respect for self, those in authority and their peers and to appreciate the different ethnic groups that they will come into contact with realising that everyone is created uniquely and differently.  It also means that educators will have to challenge students to become creative and innovative and employ more student-centered approaches in order to foster the holistic development of students.

A 21st century teacher has to be equipped with the necessary skills, aptitude and attitude to facilitate the students learning in a digitalized world. The teacher has to be adaptable and flexible knowing that they are not the only expert and source of knowledge and be open to out of the box learning experiences as the learner is groomed into a functional, high-achieving, creative, innovative and responsible citizen.

More than be a person who only teaches it means a person who loves, a person who brings a little light about the life'steps for our students.

One would think that being a teacher in the 21st century should be particularly easy with the availability of technology to both educators and students. Not at all! It seems to have become more challenging to engage millennials and emerge from the classroom stress- free and satisfied with your performance. As such the teacher's survival kit must be ever evolving- new methods, ICT integration in lessons, class activities, reflection and appropriate teaching strategies.
New Methods:
- It is important to find new, more effective ways of addressing topics. As an English / literature teacher, I teach summary writing at the fifth form level. Each year, I have found it imperative to use different ways to teach this topic depending on the level of the class. I've found that your craft must always, always evolve/ change to meet the needs of your students.
- ICT Integration:
ICT integration in the classroom is somewhat mandatory in this age. I use PowerPoint presentations, visuals, videos/ movies, music and a host of other forms of technology with my lessons. I have found however, that this is not enough. Students must be allowed to integrate technology as well. Whilst my school does not have internet access for students, I do believe that in the 21st century they should be allowed to use laptops, iPads or smartphones in the classroom. I have often encouraged a student to use the dictionary on their phone or their own wifi to search for a topic in the classroom or snap a picture of the whiteboard instead of rushing to write.
- Class Activities:
Even at the secondary school level the classroom must be filled with appropriate activities for lessons. Having students sit and take notes without lively class activities like group work/ collaborative learning or presentations is a no- no in the 21st century. I have my students engage in the lessons and take ownership of their own learning.
- Reflection:
Reflective teaching works so well for me. Although it is time consuming and sometimes almost impossible, keeping a journal for my lessons allows for a better class the next day. Reflecting on your objectives, what actually happened, what you could have done differently and the response of students allows for growth. It doesn't have to be with pen or paper- but a simple entry on your phone or tablet would suffice.
- Teaching strategies
This is a must in the 21st century. The wealth of research and knowledge available to educators is amazing. Integrating tested and proven strategies in the classroom allows for growth and excellence. Recently I developed a unit in which I taught short story writing (characterization and plot development) by integrating the lessons with the Self Regulated Strategy Development Strategy. It was amazing to see students enjoy and take ownership of their work.

Thus my experience on teaching in the 21st century is one of growth, and development. It is a winding road that often leads to clear, serene, warm water. It is actually an exciting time to be a teacher! It means stepping out of your own world into the world of the student.

(Attached is a video I took of students in their music class to be used in one of my lessons- it shows the amazing ability of boys who find it really hard to write a complete story. I plan to use it as the background music to a story I will model- not only is it cross- curriculum but it will show the students that writing is not just words to a paper- there is a rhythm and they are the ones to provide the rhythm for the piece) (The photograph depicts fifth form students modeling their artwork on their uniforms just before they graduate. It was used as a writing prompt for a short story.) This is 21st century teaching.

It means to be capable to use several resources in teaching, specially those with modern technology.

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