Interested in brushing up your skills in learning design, ICT for teaching and learning and creativity techniques?

MirandaNet looking for educators to participate in a free, open and online course (MOOC) that will help you reign your Learning with ICTs and Creativity

In the context of the HANDSON project (, we are offering a course for teachers in Higher Education, Vocational Education Training and Secondary Schools. It is a 5-weeks MOOC about Designing Learning with the use of digital tools and creativity techniques.

The features of the course are:

  • An emphasis on collaborative working in small groups bringingtogethereducators with wide and diverse backgrounds from around the world;

  • A focus on the Learning Design Studio (LDS) approach, a design process to help educators design courses and learning activities.

  • Facilitators with expertise in Online Learning, Creativity and the Learning Design Studio who will work with the pilot teachers to explore the potential of this learning method to introduce ICT in the teaching and learning processes.

  • The opportunity to observe, practice and learn about methods for peer review and peer mentoring.

  • The creation of practical artefacts that can be reused by the participants in their actual classrooms.

The main language of the course will be English: the learning materials and the communication with the facilitators will be in English. However teamwork can happen in any other language.  

Start Date: 19/05/2014

End Date: 20/06/2014

Duration: 5 weeks

Expected dedication time: 2 to 6 hours / week

Educators who join this second pilot are not expected to have any particular expertise in online learning. We are looking for educators or teacher trainers from secondary education, vocational education or higher education.

Ho  How to join this course: Go to register to the Design Studio course. More information on:

Notes about the HANDSON project and environment

The Hands-On ICT is a project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme. The project team has been exploring the value of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and Community Online Open Courses (COOCs) for the continuous professional development of educators.

The aim is to create a holistic environment that provides teachers from higher education, vocational education and schools with everything they need to learn about making the right choice of digital tools for a given pedagogical activity.

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