All St. Lucia Educators ICT in Education Resources (24)

Ways to use videos in your lesson

Ways to use videos in your lesson While many teachers acknowledge the benefits of incorporating videos into their lessons, there still remains some confusion about how to incorporate videos for maxim… View »

Accessing online educational videos in low-bandwidth school settings

Accessing online educational videos in low-bandwidth school settings For teachers in low bandwidth school settings - schools with slow or no internet connections - streaming online videos in class is… View »

Strategies for blending technology into your teaching: Station rotation with tablet devices

When teachers are asked to integrate technology into their teaching, some questions that arise are, "What technology? and "How do I integrate it?" In this post, we will be looking at integrating tabl… View »

Classroom management strategies: Classroom routines

Establishing classroom routines early in the academic year is important for setting the tone of the classroom for the whole year. How do teachers go about establishing classroom routines? Here are so… View »

Classroom management strategies: Teacher presence

Here are some very simple strategies which teachers can use to improve the management of their classrooms. These strategies are advocated by Expeditionary Learning (EL Education). Classroom manageme… View »

Classroom management strategies: Group work

Getting students to work productively in groups is essential for instructional models such as Project Based Approaches and Collaboration in the Digital Classroom. Classroom management strategies that… View »

Classroom management strategies: Communication

Establishing desirable communication practices in your classroom at the start of the school year is an important management strategy. Here are classroom strategies being modeled by teachers from … View »

Classroom management strategies: Establishing norms for classroom behaviour

One of the issues which teachers feel will limit their ability to utilize ICT in their classrooms is managing the behavior of students in the classroom.  Classroom management is a seldom address… View »

Bloom's Taxonomy and Google apps

Bloom's Taxonomy and Google apps Bloom's taxonomy is a tool which teachers use to help in the development of learning objectives. Bloom's taxonomy is also useful for designing classroom activities an… View »

Helping your students develop 21st century skills

 Digital citizenship toolkits for teachers. This is a follow up to our workshop session on 21st century skills your students need to be prepared for a 21st century world. Commom sense media has… View »


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